Thursday, September 11, 2014

Water Conservation Tips at Work

Everyone uses water each day especially at work. There are loads of really small changes that you could make which all add up to make a big difference – especially to your pocket and the environment! There are many benefits to reducing water consumption in the work place; it can help with more than just cost. It can help your business to comply with current and future environmental legislation, reduce its carbon footprint, improve your company’s environmental performance and generate positive PR.

Our water conservation tips and advice will give you an idea of a few change - there are many more though:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Desert Low Flush Urinal Helps Prevent Water Scarcity

Desert Low Flush Urinal

Urinals can account for a significant portion of indoor water usage in commercial and industrial settings. A typical office building could reduce its water use from old, inefficient urinals by thousands of gallons per year or more according to Water Rating Australia.

At least 25% of indoor residential water use is because of toilet flushing and as a proportion this water use increases in drought situations when water curbs are in place. In the context of many cities and towns in Australia facing increasing water scarcity, all opportunities for increasing the water efficiency of toilets across the country are worth investigating.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Science behind Waterless Urinals

Waterless urinals are becoming the preferred installation among business owners and those concerned about water consumption. These are just like regular urinals without water intake – they drain by gravity. If you are fascinated on how waterless urinal works, read along.

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